招聘企业: | 北京南方国际人力资源顾问有限公司 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
职位名称: | 西安建筑科技大学 “雁塔学者”云论坛邀请函 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发布时间: | 2020-05-22 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
招聘人数: | 100人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
工作地域: | 陕西省 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
职位类别: | 教学人员 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
学历要求: | 博士研究生在学 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
工资待遇: | 10000以上 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
专业要求: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
第六届“雁塔学者” 云论坛包括云宣讲、云交流两个部分。学校现诚邀海内外杰出青年人才相聚云端,就相关领域的前沿科技热点问题进行学术讨论和交流,促进与会学者与我校相关学科教师建立联系和合作,加深与会学者对西安建筑科技大学的全面了解,促成杰出人才来校建功立业。 联系方式 / Contact Us: 西安建筑科技大学人事处 Personnel Department, XAUAT 联系人Contacts:贺伟He Wei 电话Tel:+86-29-82202184 邮箱、 学校网址Website: 附件:点击下载《西安建筑科技大学第五届“雁塔学者”论坛参会申请表》 |
职位描述: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
诚挚欢迎海内外优秀学者参加西安建筑科技大学 “雁塔学者”云论坛
论坛时间: 2020年6月19日
一、论坛简介西安建筑科技大学坐落于十三朝古都西安,是陕西省重点建设的高水平大学,也是教育部、住建部和陕西省共建的大学。经过并校60余年的不懈努力,现已发展成为一所以土木建筑、环境市政、材料冶金及其相关学科为特色,以工程技术学科为主体,文、理、经、管、艺、法等学科协调发展的多科性大学。 Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology(XAUAT) is located in Xi'an (Shaanxi Province), an ancient capital of thirteen dynasties. It is a high-level university with key construction in Shaanxi Province, funded jointly by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Shaanxi Provincial Government. After more than 60 years of unremitting efforts, XAUAT has developed into a multidisciplinary university with characteristic disciplines (civil engineering and architecture, environment and municipal administration, material and metallurgy and other related disciplines), main disciplines (engineering technology) and other disciplines (literature, science, economics, management, art and law). 第六届“雁塔学者” 云论坛包括云宣讲、云交流两个部分。学校现诚邀海内外杰出青年人才相聚云端,就相关领域的前沿科技热点问题进行学术讨论和交流,促进与会学者与我校相关学科教师建立联系和合作,加深与会学者对西安建筑科技大学的全面了解,促成杰出人才来校建功立业。 The sixth cloud forum of “Yanta scholars” includes two parts: cloud introduction and cloud communication. We invite young talented scholars all around the world to gather in the cloud to participate academic discussions and communication on cutting-edge science and technology in related fields. Promote the connection and cooperation between the scholars and teachers of relevant disciplines of our university, deepen the comprehensive understanding of the participating scholars to XAUAT, and facilitate the outstanding talents to come to our university to make contributions and establish careers. 二、涉及学院与学科领域 / Related Schools and Disciplines
三、新增引进人才学科领域 / New disciplines of Talents Gain-Brain1、信息技术领域:信息产业、大数据、人工智能、5G技术,工业互联网、通信网络、物联网等。 Information technology fields: information industry, big data, artificial intelligence, 5G technology, industrial Internet, communication network, Internet of Things, etc. 2、生命科学领域:生命科学、生物产业、生物医药、生物农业、生物制造、生物化工等。 Life sciences fields: life sciences, bio-industry, bio-medicine, bio-agriculture, bio-manufacturing, bio-chemical, etc. 3、新能源领域:新能源(核能、太阳能、风能、生物能等)及其应用,新能源汽车等。 New energy fields: new energy (nuclear energy, solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy, etc.) and its applications, new energy vehicles, etc. 4、高端装备制造领域:高端智能装备、航空航天、海洋工程装备、高端智能装备等。 High end equipment manufacturing fields: high-end intelligent equipment, aerospace, marine engineering equipment, high-end intelligent equipment 5、新材料领域:特种功能材料、高性能复合材料等。 New materials fields: special functional materials, high-performance composite materials, etc. 6、节能环保领域:高效节能、先进环保、资源利用等。 Energy saving and environmental protection fields: high efficiency and energy saving, advanced environmental protection, resource utilization, etc. 7、其他经认定符合国家重要战略需求和学校学科交叉融合发展的研究领域。 Other research fields identified as meeting the important strategic needs of the state and the interdisciplinary development of schools. 四、申请条件 / Application Requirements1.申请人具有博士学位,或为博士应届毕业生,年龄40周岁及以下; The applicant should have a doctoral degree, or be a doctoral graduate, aged 40 or below; 2.申请人在所从事领域已取得突出的学术业绩,具有海外高校留学或联合培养经历者优先; The applicant should have made outstanding academic achievements in their domains, and have the experience of studying abroad or joint training in overseas universities is preferred; 3.申请人具有创新思维,具备成为青年拔尖人才的潜质; The applicant should have innovative thinking and have the potential to become a top young talent; 4.申请人具有良好的学术道德和职业道德。 The applicant should have good academic and professional ethics. 五、报名方式 / Application1、申请人在西安建筑科技大学人事处网站首页点击西安建筑科技大学第六届雁塔学者云论坛通知,或扫描以下二维码,下载填写《西安建筑科技大学第六届“雁塔学者”云论坛参会申请表》; The applicant can click notice of the 6th Yanta scholar cloud forum of Xi'an University of architecture and technology on the homepage of the Personnel department, or scan the QR code to download and fill in the application form; 2、将《西安建筑科技大学第六届“雁塔学者”云论坛参会申请表》连同申请人简历作为附件一并发送至会务组电子邮箱、xauat_zhaopin@163.com邮件主题请以“雁塔学者论坛申请+姓名+专业+最高学位毕业院校+中国科学人才网”命名。 Send the application form together with the applicant's resume as an attachment to the email address:、。Please name the subject of the email as “Yanta scholar forum application + name + major +Graduate School with the highest” . 报名截止日期:2020年6月10日/ Deadline for application: June. 10, 2020. 六、日程安排 / Schedule6月19日上午:参加西安建筑科技大学“雁塔学者”论坛开幕式及主题会议(云宣讲); June 19: Morning: opening ceremony of Yanta Scholars Forum & Keynote session(Cloud Introduction); June 19: Participate in the sub forum activities of each college (cloud communication); 学院分论坛具体安排及参与方式后期将持续更新。 The specific arrangement and participation mode of the sub forum will be updated in the future. 七、特别说明 / Special Instruction:受邀学者需根据研究领域,提前准备学术报告。 Invited scholars should prepare academic reports in advance according to their research fields. 八、联系方式 / Contact Us:西安建筑科技大学人事处 Personnel Department, XAUAT 联系人Contacts:贺伟He Wei 电话Tel:+86-29-82202184 邮箱、 学校网址Website: 附件:点击下载《西安建筑科技大学第五届“雁塔学者”论坛参会申请表》