招聘企业: | 北京千才汇信息技术有限公司 |
职位名称: | 深圳北理莫斯科大学英语中心招聘公告 |
发布时间: | 2025-01-07 |
招聘人数: | 5人 |
工作地域: | 广东省 |
职位类别: | 教学人员 |
学历要求: | 博士研究生在学 |
工资待遇: | 10000以上 |
专业要求: | |
无 | |
职位描述: | |
根据工作需要,现英语中心公开招聘英语教师,岗位要求如下: 一、岗位要求1. 具有良好的政治素质和思想品德,遵纪守法,品行端正,身心健康。 2. 1984年1月1日以后出生。 3. 具有博士学位,专业所属一级学科为外国语言文学,二级学科为英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学等。 4. 掌握本学科扎实的理论基础和研究技能,具有完成本学科教学工作和从事研究的能力,团队合作能力强。 5. 具有国内外高校相关教学经历2年以上优先。 6. 科研方面满足下列3项条件之中的1项: 1)以第一作者/通讯作者署名发表同行公认的高水平论文代表作至少2篇; 2)公开出版至少1部高水平学术专著或教材; 3)主持至少1项省部级(含)以上科研/教学项目。 二、岗位职责1. 承担大学本科生及研究生的英语教学工作。 2. 参与英语中心的相关学科及专业建设。 3. 按照整体规划参与课程大纲、指导用书及教材编制。 4. 承担学校及中心所要求的科研工作及公共服务。 5. 参加集体备课、教学研讨会及例会。 6. 协助组织并指导学生参加英语课外活动及比赛。 7. 为中心公众号提供素材及指导。 三、相关待遇学校提供具有竞争力的薪酬待遇以及良好的办公条件和发展平台。对符合条件的人员,在落户、住房、子女上学等方面给予生活服务保障。 四、报名方式凡符合条件的应聘者请于2025年4月30日前将申请表(附件1或附件2)、个人简历(中英文双语简历)及主要获奖材料及证书扫描件,以压缩包形式发送至英语中心邮箱(及组织人力资源部邮箱(,抄送至,更多校园招聘信息请添加客服李老师微信:13718504267。 邮件命名要求:英语教师应聘+姓名+毕业院校+高校师资网。 五、注意事项1. 应聘者需严格按照岗位要求报名。个人条件与报名岗位要求不符的,一切后果由报名者本人承担。 2. 经审查合格确定为进入面试人选,学校将电话或邮件通知。 3. 本次招聘由深圳北理莫斯科大学组织人力资源部负责解释。 联系电话:0755-28323367(王老师) 0755-28323284(姚老师) Based on the needs of the work, the English Language Center (ELC) is open for
I. Job Requirements1.Have good political quality and ideological morality, law-abiding, good
2. Born after January 1 1984. 3. A doctoral degree obtained in the field of foreign language and
4. Solid theoretical foundation and research skills in this discipline with
5. Priority for candidates with at least 2 years of relevant teaching
6. Meet one out of the following three conditions regarding scientific
a) Publish at least 2 representative peer-recognized high-level papers as the
b) Published at least 1 high-level academic monographs or textbooks; c) Led at least one provincial/ministerial level (or higher) scientific
II. Job Responsibilities1. Undertaking English teaching for undergraduate and postgraduate
2. Participating in the construction of related disciplines and specialties
3. Participating in the preparation of course syllabi, guide books and
4. Involved in academic research work and public service as required by the
5. Taking part in collective lesson preparation, teaching seminars and
6. Assisting in organizing and guiding students in English extracurricular
7. Providing materials and instruction for ELC's public website. III. Relevant welfareThe university provides competitive salary package as well as good office
IV. Application MethodAll qualified candidates should submit the application form (Annex 1 or 2),; Email naming requirement: English Teacher Application + Name + Graduation
V. Precautions1. Candidates need to apply in strict accordance with the requirements of the
2. Those who pass the review and examination will be identified as candidates
3. This recruitment is interpreted by the Department of Organization and
Contact number: 0755-28323367(Ms. Wang) 0755-28323284(Mr. Yao) 附件2:Application form for Shenzhen MSU-BIT University--英文版.docx |